The Resurrections - Part 1

Table of Contents

       I Will Receive You unto Myself - the Resurrection of the Just

       The Gatherings

       Table: The Gatherings of the Elect and the Tares

       The Earth is Made Empty

I Will Receive You unto Myself - the Resurrection of the Just


 Matthew 16:27       (ASV) For the Son of man shall come 

                                    in the glory of his Father with his angels;

                                    and then

                                             shall he render unto every man according to his deeds.

                                                   Jn 12:48        Num 32:16-18Josh 22:1-9 

                                                                               Rev 6:9-11 

                                                   Isa 28:9-10                           Isa 28:2-17 ------> Rev 16:16-21 

                             1 Cor 3:1-11   1 Pet 2:1-8   Heb 5:5-14             1 Pet 5:1-4         Rev 19:11-21


          Ps 2:6-9                           Ps 102:13-28, Jer 30:7-11, Dan 12:1-4
          Ps 47:5-9                         Isa 9:6-7, Jn 12:48, Ps 75:2-10, Ps 11:6
          Ps 110:1-6                       Isa 40:10-11, Isa 51:11-16 <-----> Gen 2:1-3, Jn 1:1-3, Mk 2:23-28
          Isa 66:15-16                    Isa 66:22-24, Mk 9:40-48                      Isa 56:1-8, Isa 55:1-3, Isa 57:13-19
          Isa 24:17-22                    Ps 22:27-30, Lk 22:28-30, Mt 19:28                         Lk 23:56, Lk 1:1-4



           Luke 14:13-14       (ASV)

13 But when thou makest a feast, bid the poor,

the maimed, the lame, the blind: 

14 and thou shalt be blessed;

because they have not wherewith to recompense thee:

            for thou shalt be recompensed in the resurrection of the just.


          Heb 9:28, Lk 21:25-28       Jn 13:33-14:3, Jn 6:39-45, Lk 22:28-30, Mt 19:28

                               Rev 15:2 

                     Lk 21:36   Rev 15:5-16:21, Rev 19:11-21Ps 110:6, Ps 46:1-11, Deut 32:22 

                               Jer 30:7-11 <---------- Dan 12:1-4

                                      Dan 2:44-45    Zech 1:14-21, Jer 30:11, Dan 2:32-35, Ps 2:6-9


         Lk 19:41-44, Dan 12:11, Lk 21:20-24

                                                     Rom 11:14-25, Rev 11:1-2

                       horns                              Dan 7:19-25, Rev 13:5-7  

             Amos 6:8-13 <-------------------------------> Dan 7:21-22, Jn 14:3, Jer 30:9 <----- Jer 30:7-11 

                                                                                    Lk 14:13-14, Lk 22:30, Ps 22:30   Dan 12:1-4 


Mark 8:38      (ASV) For whosoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words

                                     in this adulterous and sinful generation,

                                     the Son of man also shall be ashamed of him,

                            when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.


Isaiah 40:5      (ASV) and the glory of Jehovah shall be revealed, and

                 all flesh shall see it together; for the mouth of Jehovah hath spoken it.


Luke 17:24      (ASV) for as the lightning, when it lighteneth out of the one part under the heaven, 

                shineth unto the other part under heaven;

                            so shall the Son of man be in his day.  


Matthew 24:27-31     (ASV)

27 For as the lightning cometh forth from the east, and is seen even unto the west;

                            so shall be the coming of the Son of man.       Isa 40:5-8 


28 Wheresoever the carcase is, there

                                   will the eagles be gathered together.       Ps 110:1-6, Isa 66:15-16

         Joel 3:9-21              Rev 14:17-20      Rev 19:11-21  <------>  Lk 17:37  <------------------| 

                                             Rev 14:6-11 ------> Ps 75:2-10,Ps 11:6                                             | 

          Mk 12:23-24          Isa 34:8-11   Ps 9:19                                                                         | 

                            Isa 34:16 ----------> Isa 34:1-17, Isa 24:1 thru Isa 34:17, Isa 49:1 thru Isa 66:24  

                                                                      Isa 13:3-13 


29 But immediately after the tribulation of those days

                              the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light,  Isa 13:10 

                       and the stars shall fall from heaven,                               Isa 34:4, Ps 102:13-28 

                       and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:   Isa 13:11-13            Lk 21:28 

                                                                                                                                         Eph 1:13-14 

    Jer 30:9 ---------> Ps 22:27-30 <----- Ps 49:15, Ps 49:4-20    1 Jn 3:1-2 

                 Isa 9:6-7         Jn 5:19-27, Jn 12:48-50      Isa 33:10-17 ------> Isa 66:15-16 

     Jer 30:7-11    Dan 12:1-4    Ps 75:2-10     Ps 102:13-28    Ps 2:6-9   Ps 110:1-6    Isa 66:22-24     

              Mt 24:21, Mk 13:19              Isa 34:1-17      Isa 13:3-13   Isa 24:17-23       Isa 28:2-17


30 and then shall appear the sign of

                                       the Son of man in heaven: and

             then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and

                       they shall see the Son of man coming

                                                  on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.


         Isa 2:10-21    Isa 40:5-9   <---->  1 Pet 1:18-25    1 Cor 15:47-52    Rev 11:14-19   Rev 15:2 



                                        Gen 49:8-10 ----> Ezek 21:25-27 ----> Ps 2:6-9 ----> Ps 89:19-29 

31 And he shall send forth his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and               Ps 47:5-9 

                                         they shall gather together his elect       Ps 75:2-3  <---->  Jn 12:47-50  

                                                 from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.                     |

        Lk 20:33-34        Rev 14:14-16                                                         Rev 15:2   <----> Jer 30:9 

            Lk 20:35-36 <--- | ---> Lk 21:36                          Lk 17:24-37   Rev 15:5-16:21  

                  Jer 30:7       |            Rev 14:17-20, Joel 3:9-21    Rev 19:11-21        Ps 46:1-11 


                                        |                                                                       Ps 49:15   Ps 102:13-22 

                                       V      Jer 30:7-11, Dan 12:1-4 <------ Job 14:10-17  <------ 1 Cor 15:49-52, Rev 14:14-16

         Lk 17:34-36 <--- | ---> 1 Cor 15:20-23 ----> Rev 15:2 <--->  Rev 11:14-19    Rev 10:7     | 

                                        |                 Ps 22:27-30 <----|----> Isa 66:22-24 <---- Gal 6:7-8                   |  

                          Rev 14:17-20                                      |                                                                           |

                                        |                             Isa 24:1-23 <------> Isa 59:12-13, Isa 28:16-17               |

                                        |------------------------------------------> Rev 15:5-16:21    Rev 19:11-21, Rev 14:17-20

                                                                      Job 38:17-23, Isa 28:2-17, Joel 3:9-12,          Joel 3:13-21


Mark 13:24-27     (ASV)

24 But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light,  

25 and the stars shall be falling from heaven, and the powers that are in the heavens shall be shaken.  

26 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in clouds with great power and glory.   

27 And then shall he send forth the angels, and shall gather together

                                            his elect from the four winds, from

                                            the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven.


Luke 21:25-28     (ASV)

25 And there shall be signs in sun and moon and stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, in perplexity

for the roaring of the sea and the billows;  

26 men fainting for fear, and for expectation of the things which are coming on the world: for the powers

of the heavens shall be shaken.  

27 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.   

28 But when these things begin to come to pass,

                                       look up, and lift up your heads;

                                       because your redemption draweth nigh.


          Jn 13:33-14:3    Gal 6:8    Rom 8:19-21               1 Pet 1:23, Jn 3:3-18 

                                                          Eph 1:13-14   <-----------------------------------------> Lk 14:13-14  


John 14:3      (ASV) And if I go and <---------------------------------> Jn 14:28        Jn 13:33       |

                       prepare a place for you,                                  Jn 14:18-24Eph 1:13-14    |

                                       I come again, and                                 Ps 47:5-9              |               V

                               will receive you unto myself;                          Ps 22:27-29     |   Ps 102:13-28 

                                                                   that where I am, there ye may be also.  Ps 102:20 


                                      Jn 6:39-48                                                                                                V

    Isa 49:1 thru Isa 54:13               Isa 56:1-2 <------ Mal 3:17  Jn 12:26   Ps 22:30     Ps 49:15 

                 |        Isa 55:1-13 ------> Isa 56:3-5 ------> Isa 56:6-7                                          Ps 110:5-6 

    Isa 49:5-6        Isa 56:8 ------>  Isa 56:9-12 ----------------> Isa 57:1 thru Isa 62:12    Isa 66:15-16 

    Isa 42:4-9 <------> Acts 13:13-48            Eph 2:11-18  <------> Isa 57:19                    Ps 22:27   

                                  Acts 26:6-8 <------> Acts 24:10-21             Acts 2:29-39         Isa 66:22-24  

Gen 17:1-14              Acts 26:9-23                         Lk 23:56  <----> Lk 1:1-4 <------> Acts 1:2 

  Acts 15:1-2                    Acts 24:16 <----------------------|---> Acts 20:16-32             Isa 59:12-21 

  Acts 15:3-5              Acts 24:14   Heb 10:4-31 <------|---------> Heb 10:25            Jn 16:13-15 

Acts 15:6   Isa 58:1, Isa 58:13, Acts 20:7-12 <------|---------> Acts 20:13-14

Acts 15:13-21 <---> Acts 21:17-18 <---> 1 Cor 16:1-2  <----> Acts 24:17  

   Acts 15:22-27                    Acts 21:25-26                 |------> Gal 1:1-10    Gal 1:11-2:16

                        Acts 15:28-32                                |    Deut 16:16-17         Heb 2:9-15

                                                                       Acts 13:9  V       Lk 16:17 <------> Isa 8:18-20 

Acts 11:1-14   <------>   Acts 11:15-24   <------> Acts 11:25-30                                    1 Cor 14:26-40

                                                Acts 7:45 thru Acts 8:1 <------>Acts 9:1-30 <------> 1 Cor 15:1-15 

                                                                                                    2 Cor 11:1-33  


John 12:48      (ASV)

48 He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my sayings, hath one that judgeth him:

                                            the word that I spake,

                              the same shall judge him in the last day.    Jn 11:23-26     Lk 14:11-14 

                                            Ps 110:1-6           Isa 66:15-16         Rom 15:8-19     Isa 66:19-24 


John 6:40      (ASV)

40 For this is the will of my Father, that every one that beholdeth the Son, and believeth on him,

             should have eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day.

           Mt 24:31     Ps 47:5-9 





The Gatherings


1 Corinthians 15:22-23      (ASV)                                                                                                         

22 For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive.  

23 But each in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; then        Isa 26:19-21, Ps 102:13-28 

                                                       they that are Christ's, at his coming.          Isa 24:1-22 

                         Rev 15:2, 1 Pet 5:4, Lk 21:36    |        Rev 15:5-16:21    Isa 28:2-17

                                                             Lk 14:13-14    | ------>  Jn 6:32-40  ------> Rev 19:11-21

                                                                      |                        |                Dan 7:11-12

                                                                                        |  Lk 22:28-30  |--------> Ps 22:27-30 

                                                                      |     Mt 16:28                Isa 66:22-24 

Matthew 13:30 (ASV)                                                   |                 |      |                 Lk 9:26-27 

30 Let both grow together until the harvest: and    |                |      |                      Mk 9:1 

                       in the time of the harvest                          Mt 13:39            Mal 3:18       |

                      I will say to the reapers,                 |                                   |-----------------|

                                       Gather up first the tares, and               | Mal 4:1-3   V

                      bind them in bundles to burn them; but                          |   Mt 25:40-41 

                      gather the wheat into my barn.              Num 32:18    Mt 25:34     Lk 13:28

                                                                     Hos 1:6-10, Jn 1:10-131 Jn 3:1-2  Ps 112:5-10 

                                                                                            Ps 37:20   Ps 37:38   Ps 21:8-10 

                   Jn 8:43-47                                      2 Pet 2:4 <------ Isa 1:28, Jer 17:13

                       Jn 5:21-24 <------> Ps 49:15 <------ Ps 102:20 <------ Isa 61:3



Matthew 13:37-40      (ASV)

37 And he answered and said, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man;  

38 and the field is the world; and the good seed, these are the sons of the kingdom;

            and the tares are the sons of the evil one; 

39 and the enemy that sowed them is the devil: and 

                            the harvest is the end of the world; and

the reapers are angels.  

40 As therefore the tares are gathered up and burned with fire;           Mt 13:30 

                                       so shall it be in the end of the world.  


                               Jer 17:13    Mal 3:18, Mal 4:1-3 <------> Ps 21:8-10




                 Last Day                  ----------------------------->          End of this World
          Elect Gathered                          Time                          Tares Gathered

                Ps 47:5-9                          Ezek 12:27


               Lk 14:11-14                   Ps 22:30                           Mt 13:30, Mt 13:40 

               1 Cor 15:52                        Isa 24:22 ---------------> Mal 3:18    Mal 4:1-3 

                   Mt 24:27-31                  Dan 7:11-12                     Mt 13:24-53, Mt 25:31-46 

        Rev 11:14-19, Rev 15:2    Lk 20:33-36, Rev 20:4-6         Rev 20:12-15, Rev 21:8 

               Mal 3:13-17                   Isa 66:20-24 

         Jn 12:26   Ps 69:35-36                                                   Gen 2:17    Ps 21:8-10, Mt 13:42  

                          Isa 56:6-7       1 Cor 16:2, Mt 19:28                      Ps 112:5-10, Lk 13:22-28 

                                                                                                       Ps 37:10 <------> Jn 8:21-35 

                Mk 8:38            Acts 24:14-15, Acts 24:10-21          Luke 9:26-27, Mt 25:34

                                                                                                                   Num 32:16-18



Table: The Gatherings of the Elect and the Tares

The Gathering of



Coming in Glory of


Rom 8:6-9 

Jn 5:39-47 

1 Jn 5:5-13 

Lk 14:11-14 

Last Day   Jn 13:33-14:3 -14:3  

 Mal 3:13-17,  Jn 12:25-26 

  Lk 22:28-30      1 Cor 6:2-3  

     Mt 19:28   Ps 89:29 

            Jn 8:47-52  

Heb 2:5-8, 1 Cor 15:25  

Last Trumpet

PS 47:5-9

     Ps 46:1-11

      Ps 47:8 

1 Cor 15:52  

       Job 14:10-14  


Mt 16:27, Mk 8:38 


 Isa 66:22-24 

        Ps 22:30 
      Isa 56:1-12 


Jonah 2:8 

Lk 20:33-35 

      Lk 20:36 

 Jn 8:51 

Jn 14:24 

      Jn 8:24 

End of this World

   Jn 7:33-35     Jn 7:2   Jn 7:37-43 

   Jn 8:21             Isa 55:1-56:8       


 Every Knee Bows   --------->

            Isa 45:23 


                   Mt 25:31-34               

 2 Sam 7:10-13    1 Cor 3:16-17 

   Ps 92:7-13            Ezek 11:16  

   Mt 15:9-13 <----> Isa 66:23    

   1 Jn 5:9-12          Jn 14:15-17 

      Acts 5:29-32          Jn 14:26 

Rom 8:1-17 <----> Jn 15:9-13 

Gal 5:22-25 ------> Gal 6:1-8 

  After Many   


  Isa 24:22        

  Dan 7:11-12  

  Mal 3:18        

 Ps 22:27-30 

 Ps 89:19-29 

1 Cor 15:24-28 

     Gal 6:8 

           Mal 4:1-3

 Acts 3:22-23   



     Ps 37:10 

Christ and Father

Mt 25:31, Lk 9:26 

        Lk 9:27         

        Mt 16:28      

        Mk 9:1         

 1 Cor 15:24 

 Rev 21:1-8  

        Mt 25:34        

     Mt 25:44-46     

 Ps 21:8-10   Mt 25:41

    Ps 112:5-10       

         Lk 13:24-28 


      1 Cor 15:50      

          Gal 6:7-8        





The Earth is Made Empty


Isaiah 26:20-21       (ASV)

20 Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee:      Lk 21:36 

            hide thyself for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast.        Rev 5:1-6:17  

                                                                       |                        Lk 17:34-36  Rev 15:2   

                                                                       |                              Lk 17:37, Mt 24:28  

          Jn 19:26-30     Ps 69:25                          Jer 30:7-11   Dan 12:1-4   Ps 75:2-10 

                Ps 69:21-36, Acts 1:15-16            Ps 102:13-28   Mt 24:21-22     Jn 5:22-24 

     Joel 2:1      Isa 56:6-7, Isa 57:13-19                                   Mk 13:19-20       Jn 12:48-50  

        Joel 3:9-21     Jn 12:26   Acts 2:29-39, Eph 2:13-18                                                    | 

             Jn 13:33 thru Jn 14:3 <----> Lk 21:36 <---->  1 Thess 2:19-20   <--- | ---> 1 Cor 15:20-23 


21 For, behold, Jehovah cometh forth out of his place        Ps 102:13-28                           

                         to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity:

                         the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain.   


              Rev 8:1-7, Rev 10:7, 1 Cor 15:52, Rev 11:14-18, Lk 14:11-14, Rev 15:2   


Isaiah 24:1-22      (ASV)

1 Behold, Jehovah maketh the earth empty, and maketh it waste, and turneth it upside down, and

scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof.  

2 And it shall be, as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his master; as with

the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the creditor, so with the

debtor; as with the taker of interest, so with the giver of interest to him.  

3 The earth shall be utterly emptied, and utterly laid waste;

                                      for Jehovah hath spoken this word.


               Num 23:16-19    Deut 8:3    1 Pet 5:4    Isa 28:2-17    Rev 15:5-16:21

. . . .


17 Fear, and the pit, and the snare, are upon thee, O inhabitant of the earth.

                                        Lk 21:34-36  <------> Lk 21:26  <------> Isa 13:7    Isa 13:3-13

18 And it shall come to pass, that he who fleeth from the noise of the fear shall fall into the pit; and he that

cometh up out of the midst of the pit shall be taken in the snare: for the windows on high are opened, and

the foundations of the earth tremble.   

19 The earth is utterly broken, the earth is rent asunder, the earth is shaken violently.   

20 The earth shall stagger like a drunken man, and shall sway to and fro like a hammock; and the

transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it, and it shall fall, and not rise again.   

21 And it shall come to pass in that day,

                       that Jehovah will punish the host of the high ones on high,

                                                   and the kings of the earth upon the earth.   

22 And they shall be gathered together, as prisoners are gathered in the pit, and            |

                    shall be shut up in the prison; and                                                              |

                      after many days shall they be visited.         Isa 66:15-16, Ps 110:1-6   Joel 3:9-21 

                                                                            |----------> Isa 66:22-24, Mk 9:40-48   Rev 14:17-20

                     Isa 45:19-25                     Ps 22:27-30      

                                Isa 34:16, Isa 34:1-17 

                                                       Mal 3:18, Mal 4:1-3, Ps 21:8-10, Ps 112:5-10 


Isaiah 66:15-24      (ASV)

15 For, behold, Jehovah will come with fire, and his chariots shall be like the whirlwind; to

render his anger with fierceness, and his rebuke with flames of fire.  

16 For by fire will Jehovah execute judgment, and                            Jn 12:48-50 

          by his sword,                                                                               Jn 5:21-24 

                    upon all flesh; and the slain of Jehovah shall be many.  


Psalm 110:1-6      (ASV)

1 Jehovah saith unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand,

                                                   Until I make thine enemies thy footstool.  

2 Jehovah will send forth the rod of thy strength out of Zion: Rule thou in the midst of thine enemies.  

3 Thy people offer themselves willingly In the day of thy power, in holy array: Out of the womb

of the morning Thou hast the dew of thy youth.  

4 Jehovah hath sworn, and will not repent: Thou art a priest for ever After the order of Melchizedek.  

5 The Lord at thy right hand Will strike through kings in the day of his wrath.

                       Jn 3:36

6 He will judge among the nations,

  He will fill the places with dead bodies;

  He will strike through the head in many countries.    Isa 24:20-22 


      Ps 75:2-10, Ps 11:6, Jer 30:7-11, Zech 1:14-21

      Joel 3:9-21, Rev 14:17-20                                   Ps 46:1 thru Ps 47:9 

                               Rev 19:11-21, Dan 7:11-12, Mt 24:27-28, Lk 17:24-37            Jer 30:11

       Amos 6:8-13 <-------------------------------> Dan 7:21-22 Dan 2:31-35, 2:43-44  ------> Ps 2:6-9  

                  horns                                            Dan 7:19-25 , Rev 13:5-7          Dan 2:40-44  

            Zech 1:18-21                                        <------ Dan 7:17-18  <------------  Jer 30:9  ------> Ps 22:27-30, Isa 66:22-24

                Lk 3:1-31                                                                         Ps 9:19-20  <------  Jer 30:7-11                  Mk 9:39-48

                                                                                                                 Dan 12:1-4  

. . . .

22 For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make,

                                                            shall remain before me,  saith Jehovah,        Rev 21:1-8

so shall your seed and your name remain.    Ps 89:19-29   Mt 13:38

23        And it shall come to pass, that                 Isa 56:5-8 <------ Isa 56:4 , Jn 8:29

           |                      from one new moon to another,                                                            Jn 13:13-17

                and from one sabbath to another,               Isa 58:1-13   <------->   Isa 56:6-8

           |                    shall all flesh come to worship before me,    |   Isa 59:12-13      Lk 23:56   

          V                   saith Jehovah.                                        |  Lk 4:5-8         Lk 1:1-4  

24 And they shall go forth, and                                                         |  

            look upon the dead bodies of                               |   Jn 13:13-17 , Jn 15:20

                                            the men that have transgressed against me:     Lk 16:17

                                      for their worm shall not die,              Mt 16:28    Mk 9:40-48

                                            neither shall their fire be quenched; <------> Ezek 20:48

                                               and they shall be an abhorring unto all flesh.                     Ezek 20:20 

                                                                                                                             Gen 1:1 thru Gen 2:3 

                    Num 15:13-31 <--------- Ex 12:48-49  <--------------------------------  Jn 1:10 -14, Heb 1:1-2 

                         Num 15:32-40 ------> Jn 13:17 ---------------------------------------> Jn 13:13-16 

                    Deut 18:18-22 <------------------------------------------------> Jn 17:14-18, Mt 28:19-20 

                                 Ps 89:34 <------->  Gal 3:15 <--------> Heb 9:16-28Mt 26:17-29 

                                                                                                       Ps 22:27-30  --------| 

                                                                    Mt 19:28 <-----------> Lk 22:28-30 -------|

          Lk 20:33-35 <------>Heb 2:1-5 <------>1 Cor 6:2-3 ---------------------------|

          Lk 14:13-14                        2 Pet 2:4                                            |

             |           Jn 5:21-24                                                                       Ps 69:35-36 

            V                  Ps 22:30, Isa 24:22, Dan 7:11-12, Mal 3:18 ------------|---- Isa 56:6

     Rom 8:1-11                                                                   |     |              |       Jn 12:26

                |                                        |-------------------------------------------|     |             V  

                |                Ps 37:9-10     |                                                            |    Mt 25:31-33  

                |           Obad 1:15-16     |      Mt 25:37-40, 25:45   -------- | -------- Mt 25:34-36,  

                |    Mk 12:35-37            V                                                           |                |           |

             |      Ps 110:1        Mal 4:1-3           Mt 13:30              V            |         |

    Jn 3:36 <------> Ps 21:8-10 <------> Mt 13:40-42 <------> Mt 25:41           |         |

    Ps 89:29                                                        Jn 8:21-24 ---------------------|           |

    1 Jn 5:9-12  <------> Acts 5:29-32                 Jn 8:47-52       |----------------  Mt 16:28     |

                                          Rom 15:8-13               Mk 5:22-43   |----------------------------   Mk 9:1

                                  Ps 49:15     Ps 89:29             Jn 11:1-15    |------------------- Lk 9:26-27 

 Gen 17:7-8  <------> Jn 6:29-40     Mt 26:26-29          Jn 11:21-28 

     Gen 22:15-18 <------> Gal 3:15-29   Mk 14:22-25, Lk 22:15-30              Deut 32:20   Ps 89:29 

         Gen 26:1-5                                                                                   Deut 31:15 thruDeut 32:47 

     Gen 18:16-19 <------------------------> Ex 20:1 thru Ex 24:8, Deut 29:10-28 <--------> Deut 18:18-22 

           Isa 56:1-2 <------> Isa 56:3-8 <------> Isa 54:1-10 <------> Lev 26:1-33          2 Sam 7:10-13 

                                                                                      Isa 57:1 thru Isa 60:21 <-----> Mt 15:3-13 

                                                                                                                           Mt 15:14    


Additional Details 

    Isa 66:24     (ASV) And they shall go forth, and        Ps 22:27-30, Isa 24:17-22Mal 3:18

                                                                                      Rev 20:11                   Isa 26:2-21 

            look upon the dead bodies of            Rev 20:12-13           Mal 3:13-17 

                                                                          Lk 20:33-36, Lk 14:13-14 


                                       the men that have transgressed against me:


                       Isa 8:18-20  <------ Jn 8:47 -----------------> Jn 8:43-49          Isa 58:1 thru Isa 58:13 

                          Jn 3:17-21             1 Jn 4:5-6                       Mt 13:36-38       Isa 59:12-13 

                                                         Jn 18:37                          Jn 5:21-24 <---------------- Jn 8:50-52


                                 for their worm shall not die,  Mt 16:28, Mk 9:1, Lk 9:26-27 

                                                                                         Mk 9:40-48   Mt 25:34  Lk 13:22-28 

                                        neither shall their fire be quenched; <----> Ezek 20:48 

                                               and they shall be an abhorring unto all flesh.      Ezek 20:20

Jonah 2:7-9     (ASV)
7 When my soul fainted within me, I remembered Jehovah; And my prayer came in unto thee,

into thy holy temple.  
8 They that regard lying vanities Forsake their own mercy.   
9 But I will sacrifice unto thee with the voice of thanksgiving; I will pay that

which I have vowed. Salvation is of Jehovah.